If you need to contact management, this is not the best place to do so, you should email or call management directly first.
Unit owners who wish to post here must login by creating a Disqus account.
For user name, please register with First name then last name initials, then building then unit.
For example JohnS23404B So we know it's John Smith in building 2340 unit 4B.
There is an option to sign in using FaceBook, Twitter or Goggle - using these will be ignored and their posts removed and their account name blocked from further postings - because it will be difficult to identify Association members.
This is a closed community for Bella Vista Owners, Management and Staff only, and we will maintain it as such.
This blog is moderated and administered by the Board Members of Bella Vista.
Here are the rules and etiquette:
- We ask that messages be respectful. Profanities and personal attacks will not be tolerated and they will be deleted or censored and the Board reserves the right to block any members from posting without notice.
- Feel free to be critical of the management, the staff, or the board as we are not above criticism, but please do so in a respectable way and with some specific information and facts, so that we can address the issue properly.
- We also ask that you keep your posts reasonable in length - no thousands of words postings please.
- If there are issues that need a board ruling, we will vote separately away from the blog and inform the association members.
- By participating in this blog, you are accepting all the terms and conditions.
- Anything discussed on the blog shall NOT be legally binding.
- The board reserves the right to change, modify, add or delete to the rules at any time.
(This is an evolving forum and will make necessary adjustments from time to time)
- Please do not post here if you have an emergency situation. If there is a building emergency please call (201) 439-3115 or call 911 if you have any other emergency situation.
Please note that this blog may not necessarily be checked everyday or every hour of everyday.
Board members and management will check in when we are able.
We look forward to hearing from unit owners, board members, management and staff.
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